From our desk: A bimonthly newsletter exploring community, parenting and play

Welcome to the Bi-Monthly Newsletter from Parents' Nook. Our goal is to create care-spaces for families based on the local parenting community's needs, thus fostering a thriving local economy. We encourage you to participate and provide feedback on our community experimentation, as it will guide us in developing complex adaptive systems for parenting communities that meet the needs of all involved.
Our dream: We reimagine a world where Nooks collaborating with neighborhood public spaces may become a futuristic public good scenario, and support and regenerate the community care-economy in the process.

February Nook Edition:

We have a few updates to share with you all. February has been an active month here at Nook. We have been busy working with various space collaborators to bring a Nook in your neighborhood. We are also super late in sending the newsletter on time. And we apologize for keeping you waiting. We are working on making the service smooth.

Upcoming Pilot Nook @Manny's