From our desk: A bimonthly newsletter exploring community, parenting and play

From our desk: A bimonthly newsletter exploring community, parenting and play


Welcome to the Bi-Monthly Newsletter from Parents' Nook. Our goal is to create care-spaces for families based on the local parenting community's needs, thus fostering a thriving local economy. We encourage you to participate and provide feedback on our community experimentation, as it will guide us in developing complex adaptive systems for parenting communities that meet the needs of all involved.
Our dream: We reimagine a world where Nooks collaborating with neighborhood public spaces may become a futuristic public good scenario, and support and regenerate the community care-economy in the process.

Update: Thank you everyone for all your support as we work together to make these upcoming Nooks a nurturing experience for parents, children, caregivers and the space collaborators together.

Welcome new subscribers, we are so glad you are here. We hope as this project evolves, it becomes a much needed resource for many of your parenting Needs. As many of you might be aware, that the project is alive for last 4 yrs in Bay Area and through the innumerable conversations through Nooks/collaborations/participation/mentorship , we have created a deep connection with the parenting community here. They are the backbone and the infrastructure. And we have been always thinking of various ways that might help everyone in the community to have that support in the parenting journey.